Welcome to the official website of Shane Nestor. Shane is a highly talented actor with...
Welcome to the official website of Shane Nestor. Shane is a highly talented actor with experience in both theatre and television. He has also produced and directed many successful plays. Details of Shane’s work can be seen in his online bio.
‘Art is the way back from fantasy for the neurotic.’ Sigmund Freud
Come all ye neurotics and let’s Act Up!
Act Up! was founded in January 2012 as an acting class for the uninitiated and has become a golden reserve for untapped talent. Now, as well as acting classes, Act Up! has a thriving theatre production company and provides a wide range of acting classes for both corporates and individuals. All classes are conducted in a fun and supportive environment to draw out the best of your inherent creativity.
Act Up! moved to Temple Bar in 2013 to accommodate the extra numbers and have done nine productions in the last four and half years.
For further details please visit www.actup.ie, email ActUpClasses@gmail.com or call Shane on 087-7951558
Who am I?
Shane Nestor is an experienced actor, producer, director (with an MA in Screenwriting) and founded Looking Through Windows Theatre Company.
“Shane Nestor is a fine fluid actor who gives his all; his ability is clear in the final, shockingly dramatic scene which could so easily fail but is perfectly realised here,” The Sunday Tribune Rachel Andrews.
“Shane Nestor is excellent and at times brilliant in his roles.” The Irish Times Gerry Colgan
“Thanks to Shane Nestor and his truly excellent version of True West…Nestor’s performance as Lee is stunning…this particular True West is essential viewing.” The Irish Examiner Patrick Brennan
Bookings: ActUpClasses@gmail.com or call 087-7951558
Shane has worked on a diverse range of projects spanning radio, television and theatre. Below is a sample showcase of some of his work.
Shane Nestor Showreel
Shane has had a number of feature articles published for The Irish Examiner on varying topics. To view some samples of his work click the links below: